How (NOT) To Destroy America In 4 Easy Steps
So I listen to a lot of talk radio. Yeah I'll admit to it. But I also have to admit that Some of it is NPR and Some is Conservative radio. I really like to get every side of a story whenever I can.
So that being said, and with the current state of affairs on the world stage, now seems like a really good time to come out with a nice and nifty how-to NOT destroy America.
My original thought was to write it as a manual for liberal minded folks, because, there seems to be a bias toward destruction on that side of the lawn and lets face it, most of the points in this list are already accomplished or happening now.
So let's get started, shall we?
1. Get God Out!
America was founded by people fleeing a very anti-freedom governmental system that was ruled in equal parts by government and religion (The Catholic Church). The Catholic Church of England has very little to do with the true teachings of Jesus and has since become almost a laughingstock. Sad.
So how does America get God out? Well, first things first, start with the youth. In public schools, it is taught from the top down to dissuade teachers to use the Bible as any sort of reference in our childrens' curriculum. So essentially, kids won't be learning the true history of America in school because it's absolutely riddled with quotes by the founding fathers regarding how freedom comes from God alone and other quotes directly from the Bible. Those founding fathers of ours were very wise and Godly men. They understood what it meant to be a Christian.
So if I was going to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the first point. Start with school children, convince them that God isn't real, that scientists have proven that the Earth is Billions of years old, that there was no Great Flood and that Jesus was just a teacher (or just don't mention Him at all) It's already happening, so what are you gonna do about it?
2. Distract With Sports And Games.
Americans loves their sports. Almost to the point where nothing else really matters. We have American Football, Soccer (Futbol), Basketball and the one that seems like it's the official game of America, Baseball! There are networks dedicated to the different games. Every news station devotes some time to talking about the sporting games of the day. Recently sports figures have been in the news for things they've done in their personal lives. From owners to players, Sports has seriously captured America's attention. Then there's video games. Now, I like a good video game, but this new crop of games hitting store shelves is far more dark than previous generations. There has always been a draw to darkness and evil, but these games are taking it to a whole new level. It seems that the most popular games being sold right now are first person shooters that target humans. Think about that for a minute. If an elementary school kid starts playing Call Of Duty: Ghosts and spends a lot of time honing his skills, how easy would it be for him to play the game in real life? The line between reality and games gets fuzzy.
So how does it help to destroy America? Well, for starters, all of the time devoted to talking about games (that don't matter anyway) could actually be used to discuss more intellectual things like how to grow in wisdom or how to speak well to people. Sure there are shows that may concentrate on those two things, and I know there are stations that are "christian".
But seriously, Sports and Video Games far outweigh anything that could have a real and positive impact on the world.
So if I was to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the second point. Distract America with sports and other games, get them concentrating on what some player did that helped or hurt his or her team. Talk incessantly about the players personal lives, concentrating on the bad things more than the good. Make video games more and more violent, trading in the adventure game for first person shooters. Make the characters look more human with defined features. Produce high quality games where the main objective is to kill other people. Make evil sound fun without a real consequence to be afraid of.
3. Objectify Sex.
Sex is such a fascinating subject. As soon as humans hit puberty, we become obsessed with it. Sure boys and girls look at it from different perspectives, (how could they not?) but nonetheless, it becomes a driving force. Sexuality surrounds us from a young age. It's used by advertisers to sell products, it's in songs on the radio, it's in movies and T.V. programs and even in video games. Sure, there are groups and organizations that try to stifle the amount of sex our kids are subject to, for instance, there's a rating system for movies and games that lets people know what is in there that could be offensive and even stores like Wal-Mart won't sell games or movies to people under 17 if they are M for mature or R rated. However, that doesn't stop parents from buying movies or games for their kids. As a father of two elementary age kids, I am very aware of whats on the radio and on T.V. We have to be careful what we say in front of them and how we act so as not to give them the wrong ideas. Sex and sexuality have become an obsession and through that we have lost what sex really is meant for. According to the Bible, sex is meant for two things in the bounds of marriage. First, reproduction and Second, to secure the bonds of marriage. Obviously we have taken the idea away from those boundaries and made something else entirely out of it. In fact there are whole industries devoted to sex and pleasure.
So if I was to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the third point. Destroy the boundaries of sexuality. Promote anything and everything that is unusual and make fun of and insult the idea that sex is for married folk. Force unnatural ideas on the common folk and degrade them if they try to fight back. Teach kids at younger and younger ages about sex so they start thinking about it before puberty. Make it easier to get help for kids who have kids than for those who don't. The government should take over the assistance part.
4. Take Away The Body's Natural Immune Defenses.
This is a hot button issue to be sure. I know people on both sides of the debate over vaccinations and immunization. Some people swear by their doctors and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt in the safety and security of vaccinations while others believe it's mostly just a money scam and not about health at all. There is a LOT of information on the web about vaccines and both their pros and cons.
That being said, there is a huge amount of new diseases that seem to be popping up all over America every year that were not around when I was a kid. While growing up, we never had peanut free rooms, gluten free food in the cafeteria or even heard anyone talk about autism. Now these things are everywhere! Maybe it can be said that these things were always present and we are only now recognizing the need to protect kids. I did some research about what and why kids have peanut allergies and the results were a little surprising, though not overly so. So after reading that, check this out. The CDC recommends one shot AT BIRTH! and a series of shots up through 6 years old. Now the question is, Are there ANY antibiotics in ANY of these shots? The CDC is real helpful. The FDA has some things to say too. And then we get to the known side effects. The CDC has a page about it HERE. According to health experts, the body's natural ability to fight off disease is perfect in and of itself assuming we eat natural food with a low amount of processed food intake and women nurse their babies and we don't put babies in areas with a low level of sanitation. I like to differentiate between vaccinations and immunization like this. Vaccination is when you inject something directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural immune system. Immunization is when you allow the body to fight off intruders on it's own. If the body is allowed to use it's own natural abilities, we tend to be healthy.
So if I was to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the fourth point. Start at an early age with shots. Require that all parents comply and cover up any sort of problems associated with the ingredients in the vaccines. Put things in the vaccines that are known cancer causers as well as heavy metals and make sure to require the dosage to be far beyond what a normal grown human can handle. The end result will make America weaker.
So there you go. Simple and easy ways to destroy America!
So that being said, and with the current state of affairs on the world stage, now seems like a really good time to come out with a nice and nifty how-to NOT destroy America.
My original thought was to write it as a manual for liberal minded folks, because, there seems to be a bias toward destruction on that side of the lawn and lets face it, most of the points in this list are already accomplished or happening now.
So let's get started, shall we?
1. Get God Out!
America was founded by people fleeing a very anti-freedom governmental system that was ruled in equal parts by government and religion (The Catholic Church). The Catholic Church of England has very little to do with the true teachings of Jesus and has since become almost a laughingstock. Sad.
So how does America get God out? Well, first things first, start with the youth. In public schools, it is taught from the top down to dissuade teachers to use the Bible as any sort of reference in our childrens' curriculum. So essentially, kids won't be learning the true history of America in school because it's absolutely riddled with quotes by the founding fathers regarding how freedom comes from God alone and other quotes directly from the Bible. Those founding fathers of ours were very wise and Godly men. They understood what it meant to be a Christian.
So if I was going to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the first point. Start with school children, convince them that God isn't real, that scientists have proven that the Earth is Billions of years old, that there was no Great Flood and that Jesus was just a teacher (or just don't mention Him at all) It's already happening, so what are you gonna do about it?
2. Distract With Sports And Games.
Americans loves their sports. Almost to the point where nothing else really matters. We have American Football, Soccer (Futbol), Basketball and the one that seems like it's the official game of America, Baseball! There are networks dedicated to the different games. Every news station devotes some time to talking about the sporting games of the day. Recently sports figures have been in the news for things they've done in their personal lives. From owners to players, Sports has seriously captured America's attention. Then there's video games. Now, I like a good video game, but this new crop of games hitting store shelves is far more dark than previous generations. There has always been a draw to darkness and evil, but these games are taking it to a whole new level. It seems that the most popular games being sold right now are first person shooters that target humans. Think about that for a minute. If an elementary school kid starts playing Call Of Duty: Ghosts and spends a lot of time honing his skills, how easy would it be for him to play the game in real life? The line between reality and games gets fuzzy.
So how does it help to destroy America? Well, for starters, all of the time devoted to talking about games (that don't matter anyway) could actually be used to discuss more intellectual things like how to grow in wisdom or how to speak well to people. Sure there are shows that may concentrate on those two things, and I know there are stations that are "christian".
But seriously, Sports and Video Games far outweigh anything that could have a real and positive impact on the world.
So if I was to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the second point. Distract America with sports and other games, get them concentrating on what some player did that helped or hurt his or her team. Talk incessantly about the players personal lives, concentrating on the bad things more than the good. Make video games more and more violent, trading in the adventure game for first person shooters. Make the characters look more human with defined features. Produce high quality games where the main objective is to kill other people. Make evil sound fun without a real consequence to be afraid of.
3. Objectify Sex.
Sex is such a fascinating subject. As soon as humans hit puberty, we become obsessed with it. Sure boys and girls look at it from different perspectives, (how could they not?) but nonetheless, it becomes a driving force. Sexuality surrounds us from a young age. It's used by advertisers to sell products, it's in songs on the radio, it's in movies and T.V. programs and even in video games. Sure, there are groups and organizations that try to stifle the amount of sex our kids are subject to, for instance, there's a rating system for movies and games that lets people know what is in there that could be offensive and even stores like Wal-Mart won't sell games or movies to people under 17 if they are M for mature or R rated. However, that doesn't stop parents from buying movies or games for their kids. As a father of two elementary age kids, I am very aware of whats on the radio and on T.V. We have to be careful what we say in front of them and how we act so as not to give them the wrong ideas. Sex and sexuality have become an obsession and through that we have lost what sex really is meant for. According to the Bible, sex is meant for two things in the bounds of marriage. First, reproduction and Second, to secure the bonds of marriage. Obviously we have taken the idea away from those boundaries and made something else entirely out of it. In fact there are whole industries devoted to sex and pleasure.
So if I was to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the third point. Destroy the boundaries of sexuality. Promote anything and everything that is unusual and make fun of and insult the idea that sex is for married folk. Force unnatural ideas on the common folk and degrade them if they try to fight back. Teach kids at younger and younger ages about sex so they start thinking about it before puberty. Make it easier to get help for kids who have kids than for those who don't. The government should take over the assistance part.
4. Take Away The Body's Natural Immune Defenses.
This is a hot button issue to be sure. I know people on both sides of the debate over vaccinations and immunization. Some people swear by their doctors and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt in the safety and security of vaccinations while others believe it's mostly just a money scam and not about health at all. There is a LOT of information on the web about vaccines and both their pros and cons.
That being said, there is a huge amount of new diseases that seem to be popping up all over America every year that were not around when I was a kid. While growing up, we never had peanut free rooms, gluten free food in the cafeteria or even heard anyone talk about autism. Now these things are everywhere! Maybe it can be said that these things were always present and we are only now recognizing the need to protect kids. I did some research about what and why kids have peanut allergies and the results were a little surprising, though not overly so. So after reading that, check this out. The CDC recommends one shot AT BIRTH! and a series of shots up through 6 years old. Now the question is, Are there ANY antibiotics in ANY of these shots? The CDC is real helpful. The FDA has some things to say too. And then we get to the known side effects. The CDC has a page about it HERE. According to health experts, the body's natural ability to fight off disease is perfect in and of itself assuming we eat natural food with a low amount of processed food intake and women nurse their babies and we don't put babies in areas with a low level of sanitation. I like to differentiate between vaccinations and immunization like this. Vaccination is when you inject something directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural immune system. Immunization is when you allow the body to fight off intruders on it's own. If the body is allowed to use it's own natural abilities, we tend to be healthy.
So if I was to offer my take on how to destroy America, this is the fourth point. Start at an early age with shots. Require that all parents comply and cover up any sort of problems associated with the ingredients in the vaccines. Put things in the vaccines that are known cancer causers as well as heavy metals and make sure to require the dosage to be far beyond what a normal grown human can handle. The end result will make America weaker.
So there you go. Simple and easy ways to destroy America!
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